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Live Demos

In our lab, we believe that live demos are an important part of evaluation and dissemination, to show to others that the methods we are developing really do work outside the laboratory. Below are a few examples of these for which we have been able to capture some videos.

At the Great Exhibition Road Festival in June 2023, my group and I showcased some live demos of our one-shot imitation learning method, Demonstrate Once, Imitate Immediately (DOME): Learning Visual Servoing for One-Shot Imitation Learning. As with our ICRA 2023 demos (see below), this method requires only a single demonstration, after which the robot can immediately perform the task and generalise to novel poses of the object, whilst also reacting in a closed-loop as the object moves. See below for some videos I captured of my PhD students presenting this work to the festival audience.

ICRA 2023 came to London, and so of course we were very excited to be able to show some live demos at the Exhibition. I thought that the Exhibition itself was outstanding, and was my favourite part of the conference (see this video and this video that I shared on Twitter). The demo we showed was based on our IROS 2022 paper DOME. Below are some videos showing our robot during the "testing phase", after it has been shown a single demonstration for each task.

We were delighted that CoRL 2021 was held in London, and as the Local Chair, I decided to organise CoRL's first ever demo session. As part of this, we showcase two live demos of our own, based on our recent publications. Below are some videos we captured: on the left, some of our early work on imitation learning, and on the right, a newer version which advances from single-stage to multi-stage imitation learning.

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